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Category: Personal Development

Small steps, big change

Any sports fans out there? If so, and especially if you followed the 2012 Olympics, you’ll remember the great success of our cycling team under the expert visionary coaching of Dave Brailsford. 


Posted on Thu, January 08, 2015 in Leadership Personal Development

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

At a time when we’re particularly attuned to thinking of others – choosing gifts, reaching out to loved ones, connecting with family and friends – we are also drawing closer to the end of another year. So how about setting aside some time to take a step back and look at yourself?


Posted on Thu, December 18, 2014 in Personal Development

Does being thankful make you a better leader?

Last week our cousins across the pond were celebrating Thanksgiving Day and for many, this celebration is a gentle prod to remind us to acknowledge what we feel thankful for in our lives. 


Posted on Thu, December 04, 2014 in Leadership Personal Development

A Top Time Management Tip

If you had a pound for every time you said to yourself, 'If only there were more hours in the day', would you be a millionaire?

I've met many people for whom time, time and time again is an ever present issue. Rather than accept that there are only 24hours in a day, the temptation is often to resist this all important fact and grow increasingly despairing about the amount of work to be done and the lack of time in which to do it.

However, as Carl Jung once said, 'What you resist persists.'

This may well be an opportune moment to step back, take stock and reflect on a new approach.


Posted on Thu, November 27, 2014 in Coaching General Personal Development

Busting limiting beliefs (Part 2)

I have a confession to make. There is no foolproof way to bust a limiting belief by reading and taking action on a blog post.

However, if you followed the steps in Busting limiting beliefs (Part 1) you will definitely have begun the process of loosening those limiting beliefs that are holding you back. 


Posted on Thu, November 06, 2014 in Coaching Personal Development

Busting limiting beliefs (Part 1)

Beliefs have a powerful self-fulfilling effect. Whether you believe you can or can’t do something, you are right!

This is a double-edged sword. Empowering beliefs are a pathway to our success. Think about how you feel when you genuinely believe you can do something wonderful, something amazing. It's an incredible feeling.

Disempowering (or limiting) beliefs on the other hand have the opposite effect, keeping us small, stuck in our comfort zone and unwilling to stretch ourselves.


Posted on Thu, October 30, 2014 in Coaching Personal Development

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