Creative Coaching

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It’s Time to Think ….

A while back I witnessed a senior leader speak to new leaders in his practice and what he said was one of the most important bits of advice he had been given at the same point in his career as his audience. He was told to make time to think – even when life was so busy it didn’t seem there was a moment to waste in thinking because only doing would, well … do. Since hearing this, his discipline has been to carve out time every week to sit with a blank sheet of paper and simply listen to himself and what he wanted, to think through those things and craft ways to achieve his plans.


Posted on Tue, April 17, 2018 in Leadership Organisational Development


As we’ve discussed in our previous 2 posts, there are several different leadership styles and it’s crucial that every leader develops an awareness of the style they exhibit to help them better understand their strengths and gaps.

Knowing yourself and how you positively impact others will empower you to be your best self at all times – which to everyone’s advantage. 


Posted on Thu, April 05, 2018 in Leadership