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Embracing Change

It seems that, today, change is inevitable. Often, though, it is resisted because it requires us to shift out of our comfort zone. Change brings about a fear of the unknown and a reluctance to face it head on. Great leaders are flexible leaders who are willing to embrace change. They understand that while it may be unnerving, it presents new opportunity to help everyone be more relevant, creative and strategic. They understand that change represents an opening to transform, innovate and ignite growth. A great leader motivates and empowers their team to adapt to change and to find ways to build on the new.

If you’re leading through change, the following might help:

1. Lead with confidence

Change can be unsettling, even when necessary. During periods of fluctuation it’s vital that team members feel comfortable looking up to leaders for support and guidance.  It’s essential that you involve your team in the planning process and clearly communicate your change management strategy. You must make tough, timely decisions, create a structure for how to achieve the proposed outcomes, assign responsibilities to the right people and hold them accountable for achieving these outcomes. You must ensure that they receive the vital tools and resources they need to accomplish these goals.

2. Prepare for the transition

Leading through change may require some level of attitude adjustment and a review of current change management processes. Make a case for the change and communicate the ‘why’ as well as the ‘what’. Then develop an action plan that clearly lays out timelines, deadlines, priorities and project briefs.

3. Share the purpose

Leaders need to devote considerable effort into inspiring their team to believe and connect with the change process. They must communicate the benefits of this route and clearly outline the shared goals, provide a clear depiction of the future and motivate people to accept the changes.

An organisation that embraces change stands to benefit from the following:

i. Improvement

Change can lead to adjustments required to ensure that both human and organisational strengths, talents and expertise are being put to best use, and to ensure that weaknesses are being identified and nurtured through training and support.  New approaches can refresh and invigorate a stale environment and motivate all to achieve new goals.

ii. Technological advancements

New technologies are constantly transforming the way we do business, boost innovation and growth and enable the company to run smoothly and efficiently. It’s imperative that teams remain current, and this necessitates adequate training. Developing the knowledge and skills of your team is beneficial for the organisation in the long term as they’ll grasp new concepts more easily as they emerge.  

iii. Meet customer needs

The needs of customers are constantly evolving, and this means organisations must find new ways to meets these ever-changing demands.

If you consider yourself a great leader, you will embrace change, not fight it. You will communicate a compelling vision for change and will set an example for others to aspire to. The question is, how are YOU leading your team powerfully through tough times of transition?

If you’d like to know more please reach out to

Posted on Tue, July 10, 2018 in Leadership Organisational Development
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